Mindset Articles

MINDSET EXPLAINED – Mindset is an abstract concept about a dynamic force that shapes attitudes, influences actions and ultimately determines your path to success and fulfillment. With our articles and blogs, we hope to help you gain new perspectives so you can make the shift that is needed. Or on the otherside, to help you realize you don’t need to make a shift at all for this moment! Either way, the more information you get, the more concious you will become because it opens doors to new possibilities and insights.

We believe at MindsetExplained.com in the profound impact your Mindset has on every aspect of your life. Whether you’re chasing goals, facing challenges or seeking personal growth. Your mindset is the compass that guides you. We explore the importance of mindset and explain all the necassary information than will help you.

We are here to travel along with you for some time on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Dive into our articles and blogs full of expert insights with a personal touch, written to help you grow and to design a mindset that will help you in your search for success, fulfillment and well-being.

MindsetExplained.com is a platform dedicated to continuous self-development and growth by gaining knowledge and sharing experiences in life. Here you can connect with like-minded people who share the same interests and passion in life!

Leave Your Comfort Zone: 10 Practical Exercises

Leave Your Comfort Zone – 10 Practical Exercises

The Comfort Zone is a place I know very well. It is that cozy, familiar space where everything feels safe and predictable. As I have gotten to know myself better, I now understand why it was always so hard for me to step out of this Comfort Zone. This is the space where I feel in control, where risks are minimal and where challenges are few. Especially with ADD, it is very important for me to build in this feeling of control, and where better to do that than in the safe space of the so-called Comfort Zone. You would assume that having a sense of security and feeling safe is good, right? But keeping control and staying in the safe zone also holds me back from experiencing the full spectrum of life’s opportunities. Stepping out of it can be intimidating, yet it is essential for personal growth and achieving dreams.

Leave Your Comfort Zone – 10 Practical Exercises Read More »

Setting Goals: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid to Success​

Setting Goals: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid to Success​

Having a plan and setting goals is the essential initial step on the path to success. Dreams are whispers of our deepest desires, a deep urge within us to reach for something greater. From the moment we’re young, we’re taught to dream, to imagine a future filled with possibility and potential. Whether it’s finding your dream job, achieving financial freedom, starting a business, traveling the world, running a marathon or becoming an astronaut, everyone has dreams. Having clear goals will keep you focused and motivated and are essential in the process.

Setting Goals: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid to Success​ Read More »

Mastering Time Management: A Key to Personal Growth

Mastering Time Management: A Key to Personal Growth

Hello, time traveler! No, I’m not referring to hopping in a DeLorean and zooming through history. I’m talking about mastering the art of time management: a skill that can make your journey through life smoother, more exciting, and filled with personal growth. So, grab your time-turner (or a good old planner) and let’s dive into the captivating world of time management.

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Mindset Explained: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset – Unpacking the Key Differences​

Fixed and Growth Mindset – Unpacking the Key Differences​

Have you ever wondered why some people embrace challenges with enthusiasm and a smile on their face, while others shrink away at the smallest thought of trying something new or challenging? It all comes down to a little thing called Mindset. In this article we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of Fixed and Growth Mindset. We will unpack the key differences between them that can make or break your success.

Fixed and Growth Mindset – Unpacking the Key Differences​ Read More »

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