Career Coaching


Career Coaching

CAREER COACHING – Globally, 60% of individuals express emotional detachment from their jobs, reporting feelings of disengagement and unhappiness. A significant 19% indicate extreme misery, while only 33% report a sense of engagement. This highlights a widespread dissatisfaction with career choices, with many individuals persevering in their current situations due to limited opportunities. It underlines the need for Career Coaching worldwide. 

Our expertise lies in Career Coaching, providing personalized assistance through a one-on-one process. We guide you to uncover insights into your personality, talents, and aspirations, collaboratively mapping out tangible career options. Discover fulfillment and direction with our dedicated support.

In a rapidly evolving global job market, the demand for effective Career Coaching has never been more apparent. As individuals navigate the complexities of their professional lives, the need for personalized guidance becomes paramount. Our approach empowers individuals to not only identify the roots of their discontent but also to chart a course toward fulfilling and meaningful career trajectories. Elevate your professional journey with our dedicated support and tailored solutions.

Career - Coaching - Mindset - Explained

Career Coaching, something for you?

Career - Coaching - Program - Explained

Career coaching is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to take charge of their professional journey. Whether you’re feeling uneasy in your current role and are eager to explore paths that bring you joy, experiencing persistent stress and work pressure, struggling to find a work-life balance, lacking challenges and fulfillment in your tasks, or aiming to develop specific competencies for your next career move, we’re here for you. Our Career Coaching can be the missing piece in your search for answers. 

Our support extends to those who have recently lost their jobs and are keen to explore new opportunities. These scenarios represent the most common inquiries we receive, but your unique and specific questions are always welcome. There are no “weird” questions; if you have a query, it deserves thoughtful attention. We’re delighted to assist you on this journey with our Career Coaching Program. 

Upon completion, we ensure the long-term sustainability of your achieved results, incorporating time for evaluation. Every process is customized, tailored to meet your individual needs. This journey provides insight into your identity, talents, competencies, motivations, career aspirations, and the necessary steps to achieve them.

Career Coaching is inclusive and beneficial for all individuals, including yourself. Seize control of your career, act now and make that change!

Career Coaching: Plan of Action

In a non-binding, complimentary introductory session lasting 30 minutes, we will acquaint ourselves and delve into your inquiries. Our goal is to understand your needs and assess if we can provide assistance. If there’s alignment, we can proceed!

The process unfolds in three main phases:

Phase 1 – Career Exploration
Who are you?
What do you want?
What can you do?
What do you need?
What impedes your career?

In this phase, tools such as Ofman’s Core Quadrant framework, Bateson & Dilts’ Pyramid, DISC, and Drivers tests/analyses may prove beneficial.

Phase 2 – Goal Setting
We work together to articulate clear and tangible career goals.

Phase 3 – Action
Identifying necessary actions, you actively shape your career. We address obstacles, transforming them into opportunities, with a key emphasis on acceptance throughout the process.

Various techniques, tools, and methods are employed, outlined in a comprehensive list provided for reference. While specific methodologies are utilized, our focus lies on understanding you as an individual and responding to the unique aspects that arise during sessions.


During a non-binding free introduction session we will get to know each other and explore your questions. We will find out what you need and if we can help you. When there's a match we can start!

Ready to achieve your goals?

Book your free session now!


*Pseudonyms are used instead of mentioning the real names to protect the privacy of our clients.


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