Our Coaches



Our Coaches

OUR COACHES – You will be guided by a professional and certified Senior Coach/Counselor Practitioner throughout the sessions. Along the way, we empower you to become the navigator of your own life.

Our professionals have received training from respected counseling institutions and boast extensive experience in coaching and counseling. Furthermore, we consistently undergo training and skill updates to maintain high-quality and up-to-date services.

Harnessing your own strengths, qualities, and talents, we guide you towards finding balance. Gain profound insights into your past, understanding how these experiences may impact your present moment. If necessary, we can transform these insights into practical actions. Rediscover the power of choice by exploring your values and drivers.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our professional coaching and counseling services. Our commitment to ongoing training ensures that you receive top-notch, current, and effective guidance.

Our - Methods - Mindset - Explained

Ready to achieve your goals?

Book your free session now!

Techniques, tools and methods

We’ve compiled a glimpse of the techniques, tools, and methods employed in our sessions to provide insight into what you can anticipate. However, this list is not exhaustive, as it represents only a fraction of our offerings. The primary instruments guiding our sessions are our experienced coaches. Through their education and practical experience, they have mastered the art of attentive listening, coupled with an acute awareness of their internal processes. This invaluable skill set is utilized in conversations to better understand and assist you in your journey. Partner with us for a holistic coaching experience that goes beyond the tools and techniques.

Technique, tool or methodAbbreviation
ACTAcceptance and Commitment Therapy)
Biographical work
ABC-Model of REBTRational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
Solution-oriented approach
NLP Neuro-linguistic programming
Perceptual Positions
TA Transactional Analysis
Systemic work
Family constellations
Connective communication
Body-oriented work
DISC-test and analysisDominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.
Drivers-test and analysis
Working with trauma
Life circle
VBT Value Based Transformation
5G model as part of CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Ofman's Core Quadrant framework
Karpman's Drama Triangle models
Inclusive Leadership
GROW-modelGoal, Reality, Options and Will
Pyramide of Bateson & Dilts
Voice Dialgue


*Pseudonyms are used instead of mentioning the real names to protect the privacy of our clients.


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