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Welcome to MindsetExplained.com
Are you ready to unlock your true potential? Here, you will find articles covering a broad range of topics in the areas of MindsetPsychologyTherapy and Coaching. In addition to these in-depth expertise articles, we also share personal stories and insights in our BlogsThe intersection of psychology and therapy comes to life through the practical guidance in our in-depth Coaching Program led by our certified Professional Coaches

MindsetExplained.com is more than a website, it is a community committed to helping you understand, nurture and transform your mindset for a more fulfilling and resilient life. We firmly believe that understanding the mind and human psychology is the key to navigating life’s challenges and achieving personal growth. Our dedicated team strives to provide you with valuable knowledge and practical tools to take that next step in your personal development. The human mind fascinates us, and we can’t get enough of exploring its depths!

Today's Essentials

Cacao – a Gift from the Gods History, Benefits and My Personal Experience
Cacao – Benefits and My Personal Experience

I never thought so much of cacao before, in my perspective cacao was just another fancy word for chocolate. I thought it was simply something that you buy in the supermarket, a sweet and delicious treat, something that mostly woman crave...

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Change Through Acceptance
ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​

Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to be happy? Maybe it's the expectation and illusion that happiness should be constant that leads to unhappiness. Sounds contradictory, right? While the pursuit of happiness is a life goal, being happy all...

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Attachment Styles: The Influence and Impact on Us
Attachment Styles: The Influence and Impact on Us

Maintaining relationships is not easy, and communication can be particularly challenging with certain people. The underlying cause might lie in attachment styles, which are rooted in early childhood experiences with our primary caregivers. These attachment styles shape how we interact with...

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Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief
Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

The essence of life lies in creating meaningful and deep relationships with those around us. People come and go all the time, whether we want it or not. Family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, romantic partners and loved ones. Losing these connections...

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How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life
How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

Not everyone goes through life with the same intentions, values and standards as you. It is an inevitable truth of life that toxic people will occasionally show up on our paths. They can pop up any time, sometimes disguised as “friends”,...

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