Behaviour Cycle - Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Behaviour Cycle - Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

THERAPY – Everything we do in daily life is learned behaviour. At some point in our lives, we learned how to act and how to handle all kinds of situations. However, there is more beneath the surface that is not directly visible until you take the time to pause and reflect on yourself. “Why am I doing what I’m doing?”, “Is this behaviour helping me achieve the results I want, or am I sabotaging myself?”. For most of our behaviour, there is no need to evaluate or investigate because it is not limiting us. However, it becomes problematic when certain behaviours, often unconscious, do not contribute to personal growth or functioning normally in life. Just like in any change process, it all starts with becoming aware. Making the unconscious conscious and addressing the elements that hinder you is crucial. This is what happens in therapy, it’s what we focus on in our Coaching Program. One of the tools we use for this purpose is the Behaviour Cycle. In this article, we will delve into this method to provide you with a deeper understanding.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny."

Mahatma Gandhi

Behaviour Cycle in a Nutshell

The Behaviour Cycle is a powerful method that offers insight into the connection between our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. This model is used very often in Psychology, Therapy and Coaching because it provides a framework for understanding how these components influence each other and shape our experiences in the world. The Behavioural Cycle is a concept out of the Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), were it has been adapted and utilized in various therapeutic approaches and self-help strategies. By recognizing and exploring the dynamics of the Behaviour Cycle, the client can gain greater awareness of their inner workings and use this understanding to grow personally and change positively. This fascinating concept lies at the heart of how we all perceive, think, feel and act in the world around us. We will explain every component now so you understand exactly how the cycle works. This will help you understand and adapt your own behaviour better. 

Behaviour Cycle - Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

Beliefs: The Foundation of Our Perception

Beliefs are the fundamental convictions and assumptions that shape our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours. They serve as the lenses through which we interpret the world around us, guiding our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Beliefs can be formed through personal experiences, cultural influences, upbringing, and social interactions. They are called beliefs for a reason; we strongly hold them as truths. Beliefs have the power to be empowering, inspiring us to pursue our dreams and overcome obstacles. However, they can also be limiting, holding us back from reaching our full potential. Transforming these limiting beliefs into empowering ones is one of the most critical aspects of achieving success. In our Coaching Program, we often prioritize this process, as we believe it is key to change, growth and success.

Our beliefs influence every aspect of our lives, shaping the way we perceive ourselves and others and determining how we approach challenges and opportunities. They serve as a filter through which we process information, dictating what we accept as true and influencing our responses to various situations. By understanding and examining our beliefs, we can gain insight into our motivations, fears, and aspirations. Empowering beliefs enable us to challenge limiting beliefs and maintain a Mindset that aligns with our values and goals.

Someone holds the belief: “I’m not good enough.” This belief may have originated from childhood experiences of feeling criticized or compared unfavourably to others. As a result, this person may approach new challenges with a sense of inability, leading to self-doubt and hesitation. 

"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives."

Tony Robbins

Thoughts: The Inner Dialogue

Thoughts are not only impulses but rather a constant stream of mental chatter that colours our perception of reality. They are the storytellers of our minds, constantly creating stories based on our beliefs, past experiences and interpretations of events. Our thoughts shape how we interpretate the world around us, they’re influencing our emotions, decisions and behaviours. If we hold the belief that we are capable and competent, our thoughts are likely to reflect this belief by generating positive and empowering narratives about our abilities. On the other hand, if we have a lot of self-doubt or negative beliefs about ourselves, our thoughts will focus on our shortcomings and potential failures, enforcing feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Recognizing the power of our thoughts and learning to manage them effectively is crucial for maintaining mental health and navigating life’s challenges with resilience and clarity

The same person is now facing a job interview. Thoughts that might pop up: “I’m going to mess this up,” or “Why bother trying? I’ll never get hired.” These thoughts reflect and reinforce their underlying belief of not being good enough, amplifying feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Notice that Limiting Beliefs are creating limiting and negative thoughts.  

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Norman Vincent Peale

Feelings: The Barometer of Our Inner World

Our feelings and emotions are a powerful barometer of our inner world, providing valuable feedback about our thoughts, beliefs and experiences. These emotional responses are closely linked with our thoughts and beliefs, as they are often triggered by our interpretations of events and situations. If we perceive a situation as threatening or challenging based on our beliefs, we may experience feelings of fear or anxiety in response. If we interpretate a situation positively and believe in our ability to handle it, we may feel a sense of confidence and excitement. Our feelings can range from the joy and love to fear and sadness. They offer us insight into our deepest desires, fears and needs. By tuning into our feelings and understanding their underlying causes (beliefs and thoughts), we can get greater self-awareness and make more informed decisions about how to navigate our lives. 

The person from our example enters the interview room, while immediately experiencing feelings of  anxiety and self-doubt. These feelings are a direct result of the negative thoughts and beliefs about the capabilities. Despite the best efforts to appear confident, the inner-voice is affecting the performance negatively. 

"Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions."

Elizabeth Gilbert

Behaviours: The Outward Manifestation

Behaviours are the actions and reactions that come as a result from the complex interplay of our beliefs, thoughts and feelings. Our behaviour is an expressions of our inner world, showing an act that others can observe and interpretate. They are the outward manifestations of our internal dynamics. Behaviour gives clues about our values, motivations and emotional states. If we believe in the importance of honesty and integrity, our behaviours are likely to reflect these values through actions such as speaking truthfully and honouring commitments. If we have feelings of insecurity or resentment, our behaviours may manifest as defensiveness or hostile in interactions with others. By paying attention to our behaviours and the underlying thoughts and emotions that drive them, we can get deeper insight into ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. This awareness empowers us to make conscious choices about our actions, aligning them more closely with our values and goals for personal growth and fulfilment.

The behaviour of this person during the interview may be characterized by nervousness, hesitating and self-sabotaging. This results in trouble showing skills and talents, fearing rejection and failure. These behaviours further reinforce the belief of not being good enough, continuing the cycle of negativity. 

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

Lao Tzu

Breaking the Cycle: A Path to Transformation

Now that we’ve explored each step of the Behaviour Cycle, how do we break free from negative patterns and create positive change? It begins with awareness: becoming mindful of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

For the person in our example, becoming aware of beliefs of not being good enough is the first step toward transformation. By challenging this belief and replacing it with a more empowering one – such as “I am capable and deserving of success” – they can begin to shift their thoughts and emotions in a positive direction.

Awareness alone isn’t enough. We must also have compassion for ourselves and others. Change is a journey, and we’re bound to encounter obstacles along the way. By practicing self-compassion and understanding, we can navigate these challenges with grace and resilience.

Finally, we must take action. Small, consistent steps toward our goals. Whether it’s seeking support from a therapist or coach, practicing self-care, or facing our fears head-on, every action we take brings us closer to the life we desire.

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."

Alan Watts

Behavioural Cycle: a Powerful Framework for Transformation

The Behaviour Cycle is a powerful framework for understanding and transforming our lives. By recognizing the interconnection of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, we can break free from negative patterns and create a life aligned with our deepest values and aspirations. If you dare to reflect and adapt, who knows what wonders await you on the path to personal transformation. Stay curious, stay courageous and keep striving for the best version of yourself.

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