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Mindset Explained - Cacao – a Gift from the Gods History, Benefits and My Personal Experience

Cacao – Benefits and My Personal Experience

I never thought so much of cacao before, in my perspective cacao was just another fancy word for chocolate. I thought it was simply something that you buy in the supermarket, a sweet and delicious treat, something that mostly woman crave for as comfort food. But that perspective changed completely now I learned more about it. Cacao is more than just chocolate and nice treat, it has serious benefits for your health and in some cultures it is used a medicine. So I quickly learned that chocolate is the sweetened, processed version of cacao, stripped of its natural goodness and meant for mass consumption. This blog is written to explain more about raw and pure cacao. I believe I have discovered the essence of the cacao bean, including its antioxidants, minerals, and all the goodness as nature intended.

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Mindset Explained - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Change Through Acceptance

ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to be happy? Maybe it’s the expectation and illusion that happiness should be constant that leads to unhappiness. Sounds contradictory, right? While the pursuit of happiness is a life goal, being happy all the time is unrealistic. Similarly, feeling unhappy is not a permanent state either. But how can we deal with both aspects of life in a healthy way?

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Mindset Explained - Attachment Styles: The Influence and Impact on Us

Attachment Styles: The Influence and Impact on Us

Maintaining relationships is not easy, and communication can be particularly challenging with certain people. The underlying cause might lie in attachment styles, which are rooted in early childhood experiences with our primary caregivers. These attachment styles shape how we interact with others, influencing our capacity for intimacy, trust, and emotional regulation.

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Mindset Explained - Setting Goals: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid to Success​

Setting Goals: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid to Success​

Having a plan and setting goals is the essential initial step on the path to success. Dreams are whispers of our deepest desires, a deep urge within us to reach for something greater. From the moment we’re young, we’re taught to dream, to imagine a future filled with possibility and potential. Whether it’s finding your dream job, achieving financial freedom, starting a business, traveling the world, running a marathon or becoming an astronaut, everyone has dreams. Having clear goals will keep you focused and motivated and are essential in the process.

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Mindset Explained - Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

The essence of life lies in creating meaningful and deep relationships with those around us. People come and go all the time, whether we want it or not. Family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, romantic partners and loved ones. Losing these connections can result in profound grief and heartache. Sometimes, these goodbyes are harder than others: the deeper the connection, the harder the farewell. Having relationships with those around us brings both joy and inevitable sorrow. From the fulfilling highs of deep connection to the heart-breaking lows of grief and loss, our interactions with others shape our existence. Connection, separation and grief are both part of life.

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Mindset Explained - Behaviour Cycle - Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

Behaviour Cycle – Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Everything we do in daily life is learned behaviour. At some point in our lives, we learned how to act and how to handle all kinds of situations. However, there is more beneath the surface that is not directly visible until you take the time to pause and reflect on yourself. “Why am I doing what I’m doing?”, “Is this behaviour helping me achieve the results I want, or am I sabotaging myself?”. For most of our behaviour, there is no need to evaluate or investigate because it is not limiting us. However, it becomes problematic when certain behaviours, often unconscious, do not contribute to personal growth or functioning normally in life. Just like in any change process, it all starts with becoming aware. Making the unconscious conscious and addressing the elements that hinder you is crucial. This is what happens in therapy, it’s what we focus on in our Coaching Program. One of the tools we use for this purpose is the Behaviour Cycle. In this article, we will delve into this method to provide you with a deeper understanding.

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Mindset Explained - How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

Not everyone goes through life with the same intentions, values and standards as you. It is an inevitable truth of life that toxic people will occasionally show up on our paths. They can pop up any time, sometimes disguised as “friends”, family members, colleagues or strangers. You might think you attracted negativity and toxicity when you are in a lower vibration and state of mind, but in fact toxic people can show up in any of our lives. We can’t control the presence of toxic people in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. We have to prepare ourselves, and the most important first step in that is to be able to recognize toxic behaviour. Setting boundaries is the essential next step. By prioritizing our well-being, we can minimize the impact of toxicity and protect ourselves from unnecessary harm. Remember, encountering toxic people is not a reflection of your worth or value, it’s simply a part of life’s journey that teaches us valuable lessons about resilience, self-care, and the importance of surrounding ourselves with positivity and support.

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Mindset Explained - Masculine Energy Unleashed: Stepping Into My True Nature

Masculine Energy: My True Nature

I perceive life as a journey, an adventure where I continuously explore new paths and uncover hidden aspects within myself. At times, these discoveries and breakthroughs occur at a rapid pace, while in other periods, there are substantial gaps between them. Our existence on Earth serves as a platform for learning valuable lessons, promoting personal growth and self-development. Life provides precisely the experiences meant for each individual at the exactly the right moment, how you receive and handle these experiences determines if you learned your lesson or not. It’s like peeling off layers of an onion, revealing new ones with each removal. Just when you think there are no more layers, an undiscovered one shows up, demanding attention.

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Mindset Explained - How to make Friends as an Adult – The Secret Battle against Loneliness

How to Make Friends as an Adult: Battle Against Loneliness​

It is in human nature to connect and socialize, it is a fundamental need in the core of our being. I believe that it is not about quantity of friends but quality of friendships. This brings me to one of the biggest struggles I’m experiencing in my adult life at the moment: building and maintaining deep, meaningful connections. Nothing stays the same forever, and this definitely applies to friendships. Everyone is developing, changing, and moving all the time. Don’t get me wrong; I consider that a good thing. Change is inevitably embedded in our lives and is part of evolution. “The only thing that is certain is uncertainty”, read that again 😉 With constant change happening within all of us, our needs also change.

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Mindset Explained - A Healthy and Enriching Social Life Without Alcohol

A Healthy and Enriching Social Life Without Alcohol

For me, drinking alcohol was strongly linked to celebrations and having a good time. Whenever there is a party or special event, it is entirely normalized to drink alcohol. This can be casual office happy hours or family gatherings, as if a social event isn’t complete without a toast. It’s so integrated into modern society and every culture worldwide that not participating might raise some eyebrows. Peer pressure can be enormous.

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