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Therapy Articles

THERAPY EXPLAINED – Therapy is the bridge between the theory around Mindset and Psychology on one side, and everyday life on the other. In this section we explain and inform you about all the methods, techniques and tools that are available. With this, we give you more insights and understanding of therapy so you know exactly what you need at this moment of your life.

Everyone’s life journey is unique. Althought this is a fact, we also strongly believe everyone needs some guidance and help atleast one point in life. Coaching or Counseling can be very useful and might even be essential to make that next step in your personal development, healing journey and overall well-being.

We will provide you with insightful articles and blogs about all kinds of topics related to Therapy and Coaching. We explain in simple language techniques, philosophies, tools and methods that therapists use to empower clients on their journey toward self-discovery and resilience.

Mindset Explained - Systemic Therapy - Family Conflict

Systemic Therapy for Family Conflict: How It Works & Its Benefits

Family conflict can be a heavy burden, affecting the emotional well-being of each member and straining relationships. It’s often more than just an occasional argument: unresolved issues can cause long-lasting damage, leading to feelings of resentment, frustration and even isolation. Whether it’s disagreements between parents and teenagers, sibling rivalry or generational gaps, family conflict can create a toxic environment that makes it difficult for members to feel heard, supported and understood. Systemic therapy offers a powerful approach to addressing these challenges, helping families break through these barriers and rebuild healthier, more effective communication.

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Mindset Explained - Voice Dialogue - Emotional Intelligence

Voice Dialogue: A Conversation with Yourself for Growth​

Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are more important than ever. The better you understand yourself, the greater your quality of life. The practice of Voice Dialogue offers an opportunity to connect with and understand the many layers of our inner selves. Created by psychologists Hal and Sidra Stone, this unique therapeutic approach invites us into a dialogue with ourselves: an exploration of the various “voices” that live within our psyche. These voices represent the different parts of our personality, often formed by past experiences, societal influences or deep-rooted fears. Some of these voices may operate on an unconscious level, yet they have a powerful influence over how we respond to situations, make decisions and relate to others.

Voice Dialogue: A Conversation with Yourself for Growth​ Read More »

Mindset Explained - Subpersonalities - Therapy - Inner World

Subpersonalities Within You: Master Your Inner World

Have you ever felt like different parts of yourself are competing for control? One moment, you’re filled with motivation and the next, self-doubt takes over. An intriguing way to understand these shifts is through the concept of subpersonalities. Think of them as distinct inner “characters” that influence how you think, feel, and act. Each time a different personality takes the wheel, becoming aware of these subpersonalities and understanding their roles can lead to significant progress in self-awareness, emotional balance, and personal growth.

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Mindset Explained - Drivers - Transactional Analysis - Please Others

Drivers in Transactional Analysis: 5 Key Drivers Explained​

Drivers, as defined in Transactional Analysis (TA), are internalized imperatives that stem from early life experiences. These aren’t just random tendencies, they are deeply ingrained beliefs about what you must do to gain love, acceptance or validation. These drivers become so familiar and automatic that we rarely question them, but they hold immense power in shaping how we behave, think and interact with the world. Growing up, we absorb messages from parents, teachers, caregivers and other influential figures in our lives. The expectations, praises and sometimes even criticisms we receive from them shapes how we view ourselves and our worth.

Drivers in Transactional Analysis: 5 Key Drivers Explained​ Read More »

Mindset Explained - Intuitive Coaching - Inner Wisdom

Intuitive Coaching – The Power of Your Inner Wisdom

Traditional coaching methods often focus on practical steps and logical frameworks, but more people are turning to a different, holistic approach: Intuitive Coaching. This method blends intuition with personal development, offering a unique path toward self-discovery and empowerment. In today’s fast-paced world, many people are seeking new ways to unlock their full potential. Whether it’s achieving personal goals, navigating career changes, or improving relationships, the desire for deeper fulfillment and self-understanding is growing. Intuitive Coaching could be the way to achieve that.

Intuitive Coaching – The Power of Your Inner Wisdom Read More »

Mindset Explained - Disney Strategy - Therapy Explained

Disney Strategy: A Creative Tool for Visionaries & Teams

When you think of Disney, you might picture magical worlds, unforgettable characters and boundless creativity. Disney’s magic, however, isn’t limited to its films and theme parks. Behind the scenes, Disney has cultivated a unique approach to problem-solving and innovation that has contributed to its lasting success. Known as the “Disney Strategy,” this powerful tool draws from the very methods that Walt Disney himself used to bring visionary ideas to life, transforming dreams into reality with a structured, collaborative approach.

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Mindset Explained - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Brain

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Transforming Your Mindset

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a transformative tool for reshaping the way we think, feel and act. It’s based on the principle that our thoughts, emotions and behaviours are deeply connected. The way we interpret situations directly influences how we feel and respond to them. By altering negative thought patterns, we can significantly change our emotional responses and behaviours. This structured, goal-oriented approach makes CBT one of the most effective therapies for overcoming mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, and stress.

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Mindset Explained - Transformational Coaching

Transformational Coaching: Shift Behaviors and Beliefs

Transformational Coaching is a powerful process that guides you toward meaningful change by focusing on the interplay between behaviours, beliefs, and ways of being. As a coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible power of transformational coaching to achieve longlasting change in people’s lives. It’s not just about setting goals or achieving immediate results, it’s about diving deep into the essence of who we are: Our behaviours, beliefs and ways of being.

Transformational Coaching: Shift Behaviors and Beliefs Read More »

Mindset Explained - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Change Through Acceptance

ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to be happy? Maybe it’s the expectation and illusion that happiness should be constant that leads to unhappiness. Sounds contradictory, right? While the pursuit of happiness is a life goal, being happy all the time is unrealistic. Similarly, feeling unhappy is not a permanent state either. But how can we deal with both aspects of life in a healthy way?

ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​ Read More »

Mindset Explained - Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

The essence of life lies in creating meaningful and deep relationships with those around us. People come and go all the time, whether we want it or not. Family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, romantic partners and loved ones. Losing these connections can result in profound grief and heartache. Sometimes, these goodbyes are harder than others: the deeper the connection, the harder the farewell. Having relationships with those around us brings both joy and inevitable sorrow. From the fulfilling highs of deep connection to the heart-breaking lows of grief and loss, our interactions with others shape our existence. Connection, separation and grief are both part of life.

Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief Read More »

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