Psychology Articles
PSYCHOLOGY EXPLAINED – At, we focus not only on mindset but also offer a comprehensive platform for insightful articles and personal blogs that explore the full spectrum of psychology. The human mind fascinates us, and through our informative content, we unravel the mysteries behind our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Whether you are a professional therapist or simply curious about how the mind works, our content aims to nurture your existing interest and spark new curiosity. We tackle complex topics using simple language, making it easy for you to understand!
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It seeks to understand the intricacies of human thoughts, feelings, and actions, which make each person unique.
Our content covers a wide range of topics. For instance, we delve into cognitive psychology, behavioral theories, mental health, and the latest research breakthroughs. The list is endless! We hope our articles inform and assist you on your personal journey of self-discovery. You will find practical tips for improving your mental health, as well as engaging discussions about the intriguing wonders of the mind.
In essence, we are a platform dedicated to continuous self-development and growth. By sharing knowledge and experiences, we create a community where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and passions!
The terms Shadow and Monster were introduced by Freud and Jung. Our shadow side covers those aspects of ourselves that we deny, distancing them to the unknown area of our consciousness. These include unwanted emotions or specific pain points that are perceived as negative. They trouble us, evoke fear and we avoid confronting them. It is important to confront this “monster” and explore the profound messages it holds. Are you brave enough to meet yours?
Freud & Jung: The Power of Shadows & Monsters Read More »
Here we explain and explore the spectrum of Narcissism and the different types so you know all about it. You’ve probably heard the term “narcissist” thrown around, but did you know that narcissism comes in different forms?
Narcissism gets its name from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection. While we won’t be discussing Greek mythology today, we will be delving into the personalities that share this self-absorbed trait.
Narcissism: Explore Different Types in the Spectrum Read More »
Hey there, fellow explorers of the mind! We’re diving headfirst into Ego-States. No, it’s not about three distinct personalities duking it out in your head (although, that would make life more interesting, wouldn’t it?). Instead, it’s about understanding the different roles we play within ourselves – the Parent, the Adult, and the Child. Buckle up; it’s going to be an insightful article!
Understanding the 3 Ego-States: Parent, Adult & Child Read More »