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Therapy Articles

THERAPY EXPLAINED – Therapy is the bridge between the theory around Mindset and Psychology on one side, and everyday life on the other. In this section we explain and inform you about all the methods, techniques and tools that are available. With this, we give you more insights and understanding of therapy so you know exactly what you need at this moment of your life.

Everyone’s life journey is unique. Althought this is a fact, we also strongly believe everyone needs some guidance and help atleast one point in life. Coaching or Counseling can be very useful and might even be essential to make that next step in your personal development, healing journey and overall well-being.

We will provide you with insightful articles and blogs about all kinds of topics related to Therapy and Coaching. We explain in simple language techniques, philosophies, tools and methods that therapists use to empower clients on their journey toward self-discovery and resilience.

Mindset Explained - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Change Through Acceptance

ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to be happy? Maybe it’s the expectation and illusion that happiness should be constant that leads to unhappiness. Sounds contradictory, right? While the pursuit of happiness is a life goal, being happy all the time is unrealistic. Similarly, feeling unhappy is not a permanent state either. But how can we deal with both aspects of life in a healthy way?

ACT Therapy: Change Through Acceptance​ Read More »

Mindset Explained - Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief

The essence of life lies in creating meaningful and deep relationships with those around us. People come and go all the time, whether we want it or not. Family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, romantic partners and loved ones. Losing these connections can result in profound grief and heartache. Sometimes, these goodbyes are harder than others: the deeper the connection, the harder the farewell. Having relationships with those around us brings both joy and inevitable sorrow. From the fulfilling highs of deep connection to the heart-breaking lows of grief and loss, our interactions with others shape our existence. Connection, separation and grief are both part of life.

Contact and Loss Cycle: A Roadmap from Connection to Grief Read More »

Mindset Explained - Behaviour Cycle - Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

Behaviour Cycle – Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Everything we do in daily life is learned behaviour. At some point in our lives, we learned how to act and how to handle all kinds of situations. However, there is more beneath the surface that is not directly visible until you take the time to pause and reflect on yourself. “Why am I doing what I’m doing?”, “Is this behaviour helping me achieve the results I want, or am I sabotaging myself?”. For most of our behaviour, there is no need to evaluate or investigate because it is not limiting us. However, it becomes problematic when certain behaviours, often unconscious, do not contribute to personal growth or functioning normally in life. Just like in any change process, it all starts with becoming aware. Making the unconscious conscious and addressing the elements that hinder you is crucial. This is what happens in therapy, it’s what we focus on in our Coaching Program. One of the tools we use for this purpose is the Behaviour Cycle. In this article, we will delve into this method to provide you with a deeper understanding.

Behaviour Cycle – Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life Read More »

Mindset Explained - Therapy: Unmasking the Drama Exploring the Different Types of Mask Structures in Transactional Analysis

Different Mask Structures in Transactional Analysis (TA)​

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory and therapy that explores human behavior based on the three Ego-states (parent, adult and child) developed by Eric Berne, TA examines interpersonal dynamics, communication, and life scripts. It helps individuals understand and change inefficient patterns by analyzing social transactions and their underlying scripts.

One of the perspectives to do that is by distinguish different mask structures. We’re not talking about those fancy Halloween masks, but the psychological masks we wear without even realizing it.

Different Mask Structures in Transactional Analysis (TA)​ Read More »

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