Coaching Program


Online Coaching Program

All our sessions in our coaching program are conducted online, offering numerous advantages. The beauty of our digital age lies in the ability to engage in activities like personal development coaching from anywhere.

Location & Time Convenience
Coaching is no longer bound by location or time constraints; you can book our program or a single session whenever suits you. This global accessibility means our coaching program is available to everyone, allowing you to work on personal development at your own convenience, saving both travel time and costs.

Accelerated Development Process
Frequent online contact speeds up the development process, enhancing involvement, connection, and interaction. This dynamic approach positively impacts your journey toward achieving goals. Online coaching is flexible, saving you valuable time with easily adaptable scheduling.

Short Lines of Communication
Directly ask questions via email during working hours and receive prompt responses, enabling you to implement suggestions immediately. We’re flexible and responsive to emergencies or urgent queries, even scheduling additional video calls or sessions at short notice.

Same Quality Techniques
Our coaching program including all techniques, tools, and methods are just as effective online as they are in face-to-face sessions, ensuring consistent quality. Written assignments and dialogues remain integral, allowing you to complete them at home and seek feedback at your convenience.

Higher Feeling of Safety
Research indicates that online coaching provides a heightened sense of safety. The physical distance often makes it easier to open up and be vulnerable, creating a personal and secure environment. Many find it reassuring to conduct our coaching program and sessions in the comfort of their homes.

Coaching - Program - Mindset - Explained

Our Coaching Program in Different Languages

Our Coaching Program can be offered in English or Dutch.
We have a Dutch-speaking Coach on-board and therefore we are also able to offer coaching in Dutch.

Ons Coaching programma kan aangeboden worden in het Engels en Nederlands.
We hebben een NL-talige coach aan boord en daarom kunnen we ook coaching aanbieden in het Nederlands.


During a non-binding free introduction session we will get to know each other and explore your questions. We will find out what you need and if we can help you. When there's a match we can start!

Ready to achieve your goals?

Book your free session now!

Coaching program

Our coaching focuses on three important questions:
1. What do you want?
2. What are you capable of?
3. What hinders you?

During the sessions it will become more clear what your desires and needs are. You will start to use your own strengths, qualities and talents to find answers and to keep the balance. You will get deep insights in your past and how these experiences might hinder you in the present moment, if needed we can convert them into practical actions. You'll experience how it is to have a choice again by exploring your values and drivers.

Program structure

Roughly taken the process is divided into three phases.

Phase 1 - Research
Who are you?
What do you want?
What are you capable of?
What hinders you?
What do you need?

Phase 2 - Set goals
We will set clear and concrete goals based on the insights gained in phase1.

Phase 3 - Action
Now it is time to define the actions that are necessary for you to take to reach your goals. We investigate any possible obstacles and check how you can turn them into opportunities. From resistance to acceptance is an important shift in mindset here.

We evaluate regularly during the process if we are still on track and ultimately, if your goals have been achieved. We will secure the results you have achieved so this will be sunstainable on the long run. and an evaluation. If needed and desired, we can work on more questions that pop up in the process and work on them too if you like.


*Pseudonyms are used instead of mentioning the real names to protect the privacy of our clients.


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