How to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

PSYCHOLOGY – Not everyone goes through life with the same intentions, values and standards as you. It is an inevitable truth of life that Toxic people will occasionally show up on our paths. They can pop up any time, sometimes disguised as “friends”, family members, colleagues or just as strangers. You might think you attracted negativity and Toxicity to your life because you were in a lower vibration or state of mind, but in fact toxic people can show up in any of our lives. We can’t control the presence of Toxic people in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. We have to prepare ourselves, and the most important first step in that is to be able to recognize Toxic behaviour. Setting boundaries is the essential next step. By prioritizing ourselves and our well-being, we can minimize the impact of Toxicity and protect ourselves from unnecessary harm.
Remember, encountering Toxic People is not a reflection of your worth or value, it’s simply a part of life’s journey that teaches us valuable lessons about resilience, self-care and the importance of surrounding ourselves with positivity and support.
What is Toxic Behaviour?
Toxic behaviour encompasses a wide range of actions and attitudes that can have negative effects on our mental, emotional and even physical health. It can manifest as constant criticism, manipulation, gaslighting, passive-aggressiveness or outright hostility. Essentially, it’s any behaviour that drains your energy, undermines your self-esteem and disrupts your peace of mind.
Toxic People show very often controlling behaviour, they refuse to take responsibility for their actions, or they consistently disrespect the feelings and boundaries of others. Toxic behaviour often creates an atmosphere of negativity, damages trust and intimacy in relationships and continues cycles of dysfunction. It’s essential to recognize that Toxic behaviour is not just about occasional conflicts or disagreements, it’s about patterns of behaviour that consistently undermine our sense of self-worth, autonomy and happiness. Identifying and addressing Toxic behaviour is crucial for having healthier relationships and creating environments where we can thrive and grow.
Phyllis George"Trust your instincts, they tend to see what you might overlook."
How do I deal with Toxic Behaviour?
Many of us have to deal with Toxic behaviour at some point along our paths. It can be others and even within ourselves, Toxic behaviour can take a toll on our mental and emotional health. You read it well, you can also be the one who shows the Toxic behaviour. Maybe without even realizing you are doing it. Like with every development, it starts with becoming aware of it. This is the first step of change. Always be open and honest, reflect and dare to be critical to yourself too.
Now, here we will share some practical strategies that will help you handle toxic behaviour of others, they will help you get stronger and more resilience.
Recognize the Signs of Toxic Behaviour
The first step in addressing Toxic behaviour is acknowledging it for what it is. Pay attention to how you feel when you’re around certain people or in specific situations. Do you feel drained, anxious or invalidated? Trust your instincts and gut feeling, recognize when something isn’t right. Don’t ignore red flags or make excuses for behaviour that consistently makes you feel bad.
Mindset Explained"Pay attention to how people treat you. Pay attention to how you feel in their presence. Pay attention to how they make you feel about yourself."
Set Boundaries to Protect Yourself
Once you’ve identified toxic behaviour and you start to recognize the negative influence of it, it’s essential to set boundaries to protect yourself. This might mean limiting your interactions with certain people, saying no to unreasonable demands or clearly communicating your needs and expectations. Boundaries are not selfish, they’re an act of self-love and self-care.
Brené Brown"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others."
Practice Self-Care when facing Toxic Behaviour
Dealing with Toxic behaviour can be emotionally draining, so it’s crucial to prioritize self-care. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind and soul. Think about exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, connect with people that uplift you or indulging in your favourite hobbies. Self-care is a radical act of reclaiming your well-being, self-worth and dignity in the face of toxicity.
Audre Lorde"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
Seek Support
You don’t have to navigate the challenges of dealing with Toxic behaviour alone. Reach out to supportive friends, family members and mental health professionals who can offer empathy, perspective and guidance. Surround yourself with people who uplift and validate you, and don’t hesitate to lean on them when you need support. This can make a big difference in building up your resilience and maintaining self-love. It is empowering to share your thoughts and feelings with others, Sharing is Caring.
Desmond Tutu"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."
Have Compassion with Toxic People
While it’s essential to protect yourself from Toxic behaviour, it can also be helpful to have compassion for the person showing the behaviour. Recognize that toxic behaviour often comes from unresolved pain, insecurity or trauma, try to approach it with empathy rather than judgment. By practicing compassion, we can break the cycle of toxicity and foster healing and understanding. However, it is more crucial than ever to guard your boundaries very well when doing this. It is tempting to see only the good in people and lose the contact with yourself completely while doing so. The other person must be willing to receive your compassion and love. Otherwise, it does not make any difference and they will use it against you.
Thich Nhat Hanh"Understanding and love are the same thing. If you cannot understand, you cannot love."
Focus on Growth
Be grateful for these challenges in life that come in the form of Toxic behaviour of people. See these experiences with toxicity as opportunities for growth and learning. Reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself, your boundaries and your relationships. Use these insights to move forward with greater clarity and resilience.
Every challenge we face has the potential to be a source for personal transformation if we approach it with an open heart and a willingness to learn.
Oprah Winfrey"Turn your wounds into wisdom."
You are worthy of a life filled with positivity, respect and love
Dealing with Toxic behaviour is undoubtedly a challenging journey. One that requires courage, strength and unlimited self-respect. However, by employing strategies such as awareness, setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, seeking support, practicing compassion and embracing a Growth Mindset, you can navigate through the storm with grace and resilience.
Remember, you are worthy of a life filled with positivity, respect, and love. Don’t hesitate to defend your well-being fierce and unapologetically. Sometimes, this may mean making difficult decisions, such as cutting out toxic people from your life. But always remember, your mental and emotional health are non-negotiable. Choose yourself, choose your peace and choose to surround yourself with those who uplift and empower you. You deserve nothing less than a life full of happiness and fulfilment.