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Lifestyle Articles

LIFESTYLE EXPLAINED – All about well-being and a healthy Lifestyle Explained. Here we share practical articles that you can implement in your life immediately. With these blogs and articles, we hope to inspire you and provide tools and insights to help you balance your life.

At MindsetExplained.com, we embrace a vibrant lifestyle and explain all of this in simple language. No jargon, no fuss, just stories and information that will help you become healthier and happier.

Small changes can make a big impact. Through relatable situations and challenges, we aim to be your guide, offering insights, tools, and inspiration to fuel your growth. From energizing morning routines to nutritious recipes and healthy habits, we break it down for you.

It’s not just about the habits; it’s about the joy they bring and how they increase the quality of our lives. Embracing a lifestyle that feels as good as it looks – you deserve it!

Mindset Explained - Sunset - Communicate Better

5 Love Languages Explained: Find Yours & Improve Relationships

I consider myself lucky to have had several romantic relationships in my life, and in all of them, I did my absolute best to show my love and affection. I thought I was doing everything right, that my partner would see and understand me. I sent long, heartfelt messages and even took the time to write love letters from the heart, telling my partner how much they meant to me. I thought my words of love would make them feel special, but I didn’t get the response I was hoping for. I couldn’t understand why. Should I try even harder? Until that point, I didn’t even know about love languages.

5 Love Languages Explained: Find Yours & Improve Relationships Read More »

Mindset Explained - Brain Development - Emotional-Motivational System

Internet Addiction & Social Media: Impact on Brain Development

Like many people, I catch myself doomscrolling multiple times a day. It happens when I’m waiting for my coffee to brew or while watching TV. Ever had that moment when you’re watching a Netflix show and suddenly realize you need to rewind 10 minutes because you missed a crucial part? Happens to me all the time. Even in the middle of a conversation, I unconsciously reach for my phone. I genuinely want to give the other person my full attention, but it’s almost an automatic action that I’m barely aware of. My brain craves that quick dopamine hit, pulling me deeper into the endless algorithmic loop. And I know I’m not alone. Internet addiction is real, and it’s a serious problem in modern society.

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Mindset Explained - Exercise - ADHD - Benefits

Exercise and ADHD: Benefits of Movement On The ADHD Brain​

Living with ADHD is a unique challenge. If you’ve ever felt the whirlwind of thoughts racing through your head, struggled to maintain focus, or dealt with moments of impulsivity, you know what I mean. But one thing I’ve discovered, both through my own experiences and the experiences of others, is the powerful impact exercise can have on managing ADHD symptoms. For a long time, I didn’t quite understand why I felt the urge to exercise, I always feel totally refreshed after a workout. I’ve come to realize that exercise isn’t just about staying in shape for me, it’s been a vital tool for my mental health, especially in managing my ADD.

Exercise and ADHD: Benefits of Movement On The ADHD Brain​ Read More »

Mindset Explained - Coffee - Psychological Effects

Coffee Explained: Psychological Effects and It’s Impact on ADHD

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a filter coffee enthusiast. I had my first cup when I was just 8 years old. How my parents agreed to that, I’ll never know, but somehow it happened! The simplicity, the ritual, the taste: it was all I needed. That is, until I recently decided to give a full-automatic, modern espresso machine a chance. And I call tell you that I was not disappointed, it completely shifted my perspective. Initially, I was sceptical, I even considered sending it back after the first use. But by the second day, I found myself slowly won over. The machine’s ability to craft high-quality coffee with endless options opened up a new world for me. It wasn’t just about taste, it was about energy, focus and even psychological well-being. The game-changer for me? The De’Longhi ECAM 380.95.T Dinamica. This incredible device has transformed not only how I make coffee but also how I experience its benefits. I can safely say it’s one of the best purchases I’ve made in years, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to elevate their coffee experience.

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Mindset Explained - Top 10 ADHD Foods - Happy Life

Top 10 ADHD Foods to Boost Focus & Energy

When managing ADHD, diet plays a far more significant role than we often realize. Over the years, I’ve experienced this firsthand, almost by chance. As I adjusted my nutrition to reach my fitness goals, I unknowingly began incorporating foods that also positively impacted my focus and concentration. At the time, I didn’t even realize I had ADD, let alone that the right foods could help me manage it. Looking back, I now see how these dietary changes led to a noticeable shift in my mental clarity, energy levels and my ability to manage symptoms. What I’ve learned is that the right ADHD foods don’t just improve physical health—they help address the unique challenges of ADHD. They can make you feel more focused, balanced, calm, and in control of your thoughts.

Top 10 ADHD Foods to Boost Focus & Energy Read More »

Mindset Explained - ADHD - Self Development

Meditation and ADHD: Struggle or Solution for a Clearer Mind?

When I first started meditating, I wasn’t aware that I had ADD. At the time, I just thought my mind was constantly racing, and that staying focused was a personal struggle I couldn’t quite control. Sitting still and concentrating felt like a mental challenge I couldn’t easily overcome, but I assumed everyone else experienced the same thing, so I thought it was normal. While it’s true that everyone can have a whirlwind of thoughts at times, for neurodivergents, it’s often more intense and harder to manage. Not knowing I had AD(H)D, this constant mental chaos felt both frustrating and overwhelming.

Meditation and ADHD: Struggle or Solution for a Clearer Mind? Read More »

Mindset Explained - Breathing - Lifestyle - Tool - Growth

Breathing: The Secret Power Within You

Breathing is something we do roughly 20,000 times a day without a second thought. Yet, when done intentionally, it holds the power to transform our lives. For years, I took my breath for granted, assuming it was just an automatic process, like blinking or a heartbeat. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the Wim Hof breathing method during a particularly stressful period in my life that I realized how life-changing conscious breathing could be.

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Mindset Explained - Sleep - Waking Up at Night

Sleep Like a Pro: Better Rest for a Better Life

Sleep is more than just a nightly ritual, it’s a biological necessity that impacts every aspect of our lives. It boosts our productivity and creativity, sleep maintains emotional balance and physical health, the power of quality sleep cannot be overstated. Yet, for many of us, getting the right kind of rest feels like a challenge. A very interesting and important topic to learn more about.

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Mindset Explained - Negative People - Emotions

7 Signs of a Negative Person & How to Deal with Them

When it comes to navigating relationships, whether with friends, family, or colleagues, one of the most crucial lessons I’ve learned over the years is the importance of recognizing the signs of a negative person. It’s something I’ve grappled with personally, especially during times when I felt particularly vulnerable. There were moments when I found myself surrounded by people whose energy seemed to pull me down rather than lift me up. It was as if they were magnets for negativity, and I often felt drained after spending time with them.

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Mindset Explained - Ultimate Guide How to Move to Another Country and Live Abroad

Ultimate Guide: How to Move to Another Country and Live Abroad

Before I walk you through the Step-by-Step Roadmap for a successful move abroad, let me first share a bit about my own journey. One of the biggest dreams I’ve always carried with me is the desire to move abroad—to explore new cultures, embrace the unknown, and truly live a life full of adventure. But as exciting as that vision was, it also became one of my greatest challenges. Leaving behind the comfort and security of my hometown, where everything felt safe and predictable, wasn’t an easy decision. The responsibilities that came with owning a house, the steady routine of day-to-day life, and the comfort of familiar faces created a sense of security that I found hard to let go of.

Ultimate Guide: How to Move to Another Country and Live Abroad Read More »

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