Search Results for: mindset

Psychology: Freud & Jung - The power of Shadows & Monsters

Freud & Jung: The Power of Shadows & Monsters

The terms Shadow and Monster were introduced by Freud and Jung. Our shadow side covers those aspects of ourselves that we deny, distancing them to the unknown area of our consciousness. These include unwanted emotions or specific pain points that are perceived as negative. They trouble us, evoke fear and we avoid confronting them. It is important to confront this “monster” and explore the profound messages it holds. Are you brave enough to meet yours?

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Last updated: December 12, 2023 This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the

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Therapy Explained: Unmasking the Drama Exploring the Different Types of Mask Structures in Transactional Analysis

Different Mask Structures in Transactional Analysis (TA)​

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory and therapy that explores human behavior based on the three Ego-states (parent, adult and child) developed by Eric Berne, TA examines interpersonal dynamics, communication, and life scripts. It helps individuals understand and change inefficient patterns by analyzing social transactions and their underlying scripts.

One of the perspectives to do that is by distinguish different mask structures. We’re not talking about those fancy Halloween masks, but the psychological masks we wear without even realizing it.

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Therapy Explained

Therapy Explained Articles & Blogs about Therapy THERAPY EXPLAINED – Therapy is the bridge between the theory around Mindset and Psychology on one side, and everyday life on the other. In this section we explain and inform you about all the methods, techniques and tools that are available. With this, we give you more insights

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Psychology Explained

Psychology Explained Articles & Blogs about Psychology PSYCHOLOGY EXPLAINED – We are not only focussing on Mindset at, this is also your Go-To platform for insightful articles and personal blogs that covers the full spectrum of Psychology. The human mind keeps  fascinating us, in our informative articles and blogs we unravel the mysteries behind our

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Lifestyle Explained: Boss Your Life - Unlock Your Full Potential With Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits: Unlock Your Full Potential​

Are you prepared to set ambitious goals in life and enhance your overall well-being? You are at the right place to get some more insights in how to optimize your life through the adoption of beneficial and impactful healthy habits. We hope to give you some new insights, strategies and practices that are supportive to your personal growth. Let’s get started and help you with these daily habits that will help you achieve life goals and level up your existence.

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Inspiring Quotes

Inspiring Quotes YOUR GUIDE TO A BALANCED LIFE INSPIRING QUOTES -We collected inspiring quotes, it is a homage to wisdom, resilience and the geniousity  of extraordinary minds. You will find timeless insights, carefully chosen to uplift and ignite your inner fire. Discover the brilliance of great minds and the profound words that have inspired

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Psychology Explained: Exploring the Spectrum: Different Types of Narcissism

Narcissism: Explore Different Types in the Spectrum​

Here we explain and explore the spectrum of Narcissism and the different types so you know all about it. You’ve probably heard the term “narcissist” thrown around, but did you know that narcissism comes in different forms?

Narcissism gets its name from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection. While we won’t be discussing Greek mythology today, we will be delving into the personalities that share this self-absorbed trait.

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Mastering Time Management: A Key to Personal Growth

Mastering Time Management: A Key to Personal Growth

Hello, time traveler! No, I’m not referring to hopping in a DeLorean and zooming through history. I’m talking about mastering the art of time management: a skill that can make your journey through life smoother, more exciting, and filled with personal growth. So, grab your time-turner (or a good old planner) and let’s dive into the captivating world of time management.

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Understanding the 3 Ego-States Parent, Adult & Child

Understanding the 3 Ego-States: Parent, Adult & Child

Hey there, fellow explorers of the mind! We’re diving headfirst into Ego-States. No, it’s not about three distinct personalities duking it out in your head (although, that would make life more interesting, wouldn’t it?). Instead, it’s about understanding the different roles we play within ourselves – the Parent, the Adult, and the Child. Buckle up; it’s going to be an insightful article!

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